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The Saturday Preview of Sunday: Time to Pay the Bills


I believe that the photo there explains everything we need to know about this game with the Bills of Buffalo. If the Packers are who we all think they are then this game should be a blowout. If this team has the same mindset as last years team, then it will probably be close. By all accounts, this year's team is in kill-mode, so I don't think that's a problem.

The Bills are not a good team. I watched the last few minutes of their week 1 game against the Dolphins and Trent Edwards couldn't complete a pass to save his life. He looked Mark Sanchez-esque out there and I doubt he's going to suddenly improve in 5 days of practice. The Pack is much better than the Dolphins so in all likelyhood this should be a very satisfying beatdown of a game.

Pack 34 - Finley 2TDs
Bills 13 - Edwards out at half(concussion)

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