Email: FightingTheFat@gmail.comThe tales of our team are many and every one of those tales could fill 15 novels. Here are a few brief sentences to "wet your beaks", if I may.
Jared(on right): Founder of this homely site. The reigning champion of the Futurama Trivia Ultra Challenge, no one knows more about the greatest show ever to be created by man; except, maybe the show's creators.
The Baron(on left): The sufferings of the man we hatefully call The Baron are so abundant that just being in his presence is enough to make regular men weep uncontrollably. In Baron's spare time he performs as a stage actor in plays at the local Tech.
Naruto: A long-time and well known hater of all things beef, Naruto verbally abuses the cows at his father's farm on a daily basis. He also once ate the heart of a heifer immediately after artificially inseminating it. Gross!
Death: Death is deadly fast, deadly smart, deadly witty, and has deadly potential. He was raised in the slums of Mongolia, and survived through the ingestion of small, meaty children. His passions are cruelty to animals, playing Super Smash Brothers, and dominating everyone that has the misfortune to take a step into his warpath to victory.
...more to come...(?)
Nice work gentlemen....nice work