So I'm sure we've all heard the disgusting news of Jay Cutler being traded to Suck Town(Chicago, if you couldn't think of it). I hate Jay Cutler. He is Terrell Owens at quarterback. GREAT! I can't remember a QB who has whined this much besides Eli Manning - who I also hate.
God, I hate Cutler. He wasn't even in the North and I hated him. He wasn't even in the same Conference and I hated him. Now the heir-apparent of John Elway comes full circle to play for the freaking Bears. I still have nightmares about 1997. I CURSE JOHN ELWAY'S NAME LIKE THE PLAGUE. And now the man who claims he is better than Elway comes to my division. This is all like a sick joke. April Fools, right guys? Guys???!
Here's an exchange I and a few others had on a forum about this deal - QUOTED VERBATIM(names withheld)
Good Poster 1: Remember, there is a reason he isn't in Denver anymore, and it's not because his name was floated in trade rumors.
Idiot Cutler Apologist 1: You're right. It's because Bowlen hired an arrogant rookie coach who is completely lacking in social skills and tact. Their offense was the only piece of the team that was working for fuck sake.
Jared K(that's me!): In other words, Cutler got his feelings hurt.
Idiot Cutler Apologist 1: (responding to my jab at Cutler) You are the franchise qb Denver has coveted since the retirement of Elway. Your owner has just proclaimed you to be "the man" on his team. Then you learn that your knuckle-headed new coach --- acting like a loose cannon --- is trying to work out a trade to have you dealt away. When called on it, McDouche denies he initiated any trade talks until he's forced to recant when several media sources prove otherwise. Speaking of immaturity, decide for yourself who is 32 and who is 25.
Jared K and similar posters in this thread bashing Cutler are ill-informed. I heard the same shit about Elway back in 1983. How did that work out?!
Now I have to sit back and watch while Cutler steers the Bears to several successful seasons.
Good Poster 1: But if he was a franchise quarterback without any baggage why would said coach be seeking a trade to begin with, and why is Cutler no longer in Denver?
There is a lot more to the story than an "arrogant rookie coach wanted to make a splash." Cutler has been rubbing people the wrong way since he arrived in Denver.
Jared K(Me again!): Aaron Rodgers has been through 10x as much scrutiny as that pussy Jay Cutler has. From the day he was drafted he was fed to the wolves.
For 4 years now Rodgers has had to deal with nothing but Favre this Favre that or "Will you ever be as good as Favre?" "How do you feel about Favre coming back?" "You know the fans really don't like you as much as Favre and never will, right?" 4 YEARS OF THAT. Rodgers did nothing except keep his mouth shut and wait for his time. He handled the pressure like a professional and not some crybaby kid. How do you think Rodgers felt when Favre came trumpeting back to Green bay like a king on his steed last year at training camp? Talk about the most awkward time I have ever seen in sports. He didn't like it, and he kept his mouth shut.
At the first sign of "there's a trouble brewin'!" Cutler tanks. He didn't even answer McDaniel's text message for Christ's sake! How much more pathetic can you get?
Rodgers already went through shit a lot worse than this and he proved a mental toughness and gained the respect of the players, media and fans. Cutler failed and has proven himself to be a diva who if he doesn't get his way will cry and pout until he does get his way. So don't give me that "ill-informed" bullshit because we've already been through it here.
Idiot Cutler Apologist 1: (responding to my post)I doubt a Packer fan is reading the Denver Post sports page every day like I am.
DING DING DING!!! There you have it! I'm convinced! Culter is awesome! McDaniels is the worst person evarrrr! Notice how he completely ignores everything I said about what Rodgers had been through.
Cutler - You are now officially a FIB. Get used to the hate, Jay. We already hated you when you were in Denver.
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