You really have to love the Biden's. What a hilarious family they are. Let's see: Papa Joe can't help spew profanities while out public speaking and tries to get weak-kneed Republicans to defect to the Dark Side. Joe's wife hates being referred to as "Joe's wife" and demands to be called 'Dr. Biden'. And finally, daughter Ashley joins in the fun. Except instead of being a hothead or an egomaniacal evil wife, she
snorts cocaine. Great!
"On the tape a man cuts up five lines of what is said to be cocaine," Radar online reported." The woman who the seller says is Ashley then jokes with the man that the lines aren't big enough.
It's never enough for the Biden's, is it? Also, this:
Miss Biden was arrested in 2002 for shouting at a Chicago policeman who was trying to arrest a disorderly friend outside a nightclub. She was also arrested in 1999 for marijuana possession while she was a university student in New Orleans. In both cases, charges were later dropped.
Looks like Daddy Joe had to pull some strings, huh? I can only imagine how this new scenario will play out...
...ring ring ring...*click*

"Yoyoyo, it's daddy Joe!"

"Um, hi daddy. It's Ashley. I was taped snorting cocaine again."

"You are not my daughter"

"Ha! I'm just bustin' you're balls. Like princely father like daughter, as they say!"

"Yeah... and they're probably going to sell the tape to one of the newspapers. It won't be pretty. Unlike me. I'm pretty. My old boyfriend was even telling me so while he was taping me snorting coke."

"Yeah, he's a good kid. I always liked him. Good kid... I remember the day you brought him home to our old shack in small-town Scranton. Hell, I even told my good buddy Tommy Jenkins that I might end up blackmailing the kid someday while we were pounding a case at his tool shed late one night."
"Did someone say blackmail? Am I needed, my liege?" *slobbering noises*
"Arlen! Damnit! This is a father-daughter moment you're ruining here!"
*gurgle* "My apologies, sire..." *sulks back into the shadows*


"Alright, here's how it's going down. You were snorting pure baking soda. That's the spin. Hell, it worked for Barry! "
"Wouldn't that kill me?" *reserved laughing*

"I love you, daddy!"
Good story, true story. I applaud you