First off lets define what a true villain is. When I think of a villain I think of someone BADASS who takes failing as not an option. This is kind of trait which separates leader from dog, classic example just as what makes Megatron a leader and Star Scream a lap dog. For when Megatron initiates a fight he tends to stick through until the liquidation or crushing of Optimus Prime's spark. On the other extreme, after receiving a beat down from some of the least skilled autobots Starscream begins to whine and high tails it out as a jet asap and completely ditches his comrades like a yellow bellied rusted Benedict Arnold. ANYWAYS Megatron is a badass, he kills Optimus Prime, kills the betrayer Star Scream, no one is really his equal. Even when he meets with the few who are more powerful like the Mighty Unicron whom mends Megatron's broken body into a more powerful being as in the Original Cartoon movie, he still attempts to oppose or use his master to his liking and live that renegade lifestyle striving to satisfy all his selfish desires.

Now that I established what a true villain is I'll go back to my rant about stupid villains. So a true villain never really prepares to face defeat, because defeat is not an option. It's their way or the highway, as the saying goes. So why do villain's equip their ships or buildings with multiple escape pods??? For example in Star Wars all the Destroyers have a multiple escape pods as seen throughout the film with all the escapes by the resistance members like Han, Luke, and so on. So we have all these escape pods but yet none of the higher ups of villainy really care for their common worker, and treated regardlessly. For example Darth Vader never gets a talking to for force choking any admiral, technician, trooper, to plumber. And when you have the firepower to blow up planets the last train of thought would be, man I hope the escape pods work just in case we are attacked by that resistance and can go back home to our wives and children. Well sorry stormtroopers but the majority of you don't have families or even a home because you were birthed though a tube and a serial # of that headless bounty Jengo Fett.
So a true villain as I would see it would only have 1 escape pod for 3 obvious reasons.
1. You are selfish and only care about yourself, thus only 1 escape pod for personal use, who cares for your employees
2. If your enemies have infiltrated your vessel and have taken over, or set it to self destruct, you will lose all of your base and workings, but on the bright side at least you rid yourself of your enemies once you take off in the only escape pod. And you live to rule another day with them permanently out of the picture.
3. The last reason goes out to my boy Nero from Star Trek, for he was hardcore enough to spit in the face of Kirk and Spock and deny help from his rivals. And allowed none of his crew to leave saying something to the effect of "I'd rather rot in this black hole, or be torn to pieces than receive help from the likes of you. Because of what you did to my homeworld in the future Spock" Intercom off. See this is a true Super Villain. Not only does he not try to escape his fate, but in the midst of his failure accepts defeat and shows the guts to go down with his ship. Touche Captain Nero, Touche, a true idol for all future villains of movies and TV to look up to. So here is a salutations to you and your inspiring actions to aspiring villainies in future world of film and cartoons. My hat off to you.

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