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Beware the Thiesfeldt tsunami

Oh yes. OH YES. Two nights ago the lovely and talented citizens of Fond du Lac and surrounding areas overwhelmingly decided - nay, demanded Jeremy Thiesfeldt be on the ballot in November. At the very same time the throngs told Tim Lakin to, in effect, cram it. Sir Thiesfeldt, a patriot and extended family member of yours truly, destroyed(putting it midly) Lakin by a +38 margin and captured 69% of the Republican vote.

Now, after receiving a beatdown like that a normal person may do a bit of soul searching and look introspectively on what they did wrong in order to lose so terribly. A normal person. Lakin, right after the results were in, whined to the FDL Reporter, "we don't know what happened. We ran a positive race and stayed on the issues. Obviously negative campaigning prevailed."

Really, Tim? You don't know what happened... Well, Tim, I can tell you what happened last night and I don't need a poli-sci degree from Columbia U to do it. Here at FTF Productions LTD we specialize in an old type of analysis long ago left to the winds. The Motherland refers to it as Állati becsületesség: brutal honesty. It will be harsh and tears may be shed but in the end you will learn from this and improve yourself.

More later...

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