Hello folks. The blog is not dead, contrary to popular opinion. In fact, it is currently in a revitalization period and we have yet to reach our peak. But there will be no giggling children metaphors in this post, oh no. If I may for a minute or two, my friends, it's time to get serious. Srsly. Super Srsrsrlslrly.
Do we or do we not trust Ted Thompson? There has been an incredible debate lately, even more than usual, on the topic of TT: his competence, intelligence, drafting decisions, football knowledge and so on in that fashion until he is stripped of every fiber of his humanity. There has also been a great slip in confidence in the pro-TT community. Myself and the Baron consider ourselves to be some of the original members of the pro-TT crowd - we liked TT before it was in style.
I will not try to persuade the many TT haters that are out there - they are beyond help as their blind hatred of a GM prevents them from being fans of the team. Of course, that's not the way they see it. To themselves, they are purists standing on principle and becoming martyrs for their childhood team as the barbarians inside Lambeau wreak havoc and turn it into something unrecognizable: 3-4 defense? Disgusting! Non-Brett Favre at QB? Preposterous! Great passing game complimented by the running game? You don't know football.
There are extremists, no doubt, within the Packer Allegiance. To deny this would be lying, and this blog was founded on truth. Now, the true Packer fans among us have done our very best to oust the traitors and form a new coalition of fandom around Aaron Rodgers, but at nearly every turn we are haunted by the soul of Brett Favre. For every common-sense fan preaching the stat book sermon to the congregation there is at least five Favre acolytes who will stop at nothing except to see Curly Lambeau on his knees in destitution.
The Favre acolytes hate Ted Thompson. That is the simplest explanation there is. They have been so blinded by seventeen years of servitude to their master that anything outside of their comfort setting - that is, whatever Brett Favre wants - boils the pot of rage inside of them like Mount Vesuvius getting ready to unleash it's vengance onto Pompeii. Nothing calms their anger and certainly nothing will change their mind.
So does TT warrant all of the hatred? Now that I have sufficiently broken down the hate factor it is time for even more breaking of things in a downward motion. TT has as good a draft history as any GM in the league. He has drafted a premier player at most positions: Rodgers QB, Jolly DE, Jennings WR, Raji DT, Finley TE, Crosby K, Matthews LB, Spitz C and so on. These players are the core of the team and they are all TT draft picks. We have him to thank for putting a very good team together that will be good to great for the next 5+ years.
The acolytes want nothing more than to see TT gone, and most of them view McCarthy unfavorably as well - not because he is a bad coach, but because he is TT's guy. They claim he ran Favre out of town while sitting on his golden throne of cheese and then going swimming through the $20mill in salary cap money like Scrooge McDuck. Favre, they claim, wanted nothing more than to play for the Packers for the rest of his career. TT drove out a Wisconsin hero, and in doing so became it's worst villain. This through the eyes of the uncleansed.
In reality TT has made very solid pickups in Chuck Woodson(CHARLES FREAKING WOODSON!!!!), Ryan Pickett, Brandon Chillar and Ryan Grant. He does not sit on the money, he doesn't need to spend most of it because there is already a very good core of players and he doesn't need to go get anyone. Now, we'll have an uncapped offseason where teams will be spending like Michael Jackson at a fresh baby market and TT knows this. We are positioned for uncertainty in case a deal gets pushed off or something in that nature.
Moreso in reality is the fact that Favre wanted out of Green Bay after 2007 and the only way he could think to do that was retire - because he was too arrogant to ask for his release or a trade. He knew TT would not just outright release Favre after the amazing year he just had because it would be off with his head, so to speak. I think Favre wanted to play for the Queens the whole time and this season is a culmination of a 2+ year process that finally saw him land in Minnesota, home of the Meager. But enough of what I think, even though those who are in the know know that I am right.
The deeds are done and most have moved on, but this coming Sunday's game will be the final battle of the pro-TT and anti-TT movements. Aaron Rodgers must cement his place and finally beat Favre in front of the Lambeau's 70,000 man army. Rodgers, in the pre-game coin flip ceremony, will not shake hands with Favre but will instead show off his green #4 jersey that he is sporting - an obvious shot at Favre. Then Rodgers will rip it off Hulk Hogen-style and revealed will be the most glorious color of white your eyes could ever see, all trapped inside of the number Twelve. Favre, unable to look away, will immediately drop to his knees and weep like he did at his first retirement press conference. I will be laughing on my couch as I watch this unfold on Fox Television.
Packers 33
Queens 26
The acolytes want nothing more than to see TT gone, and most of them view McCarthy unfavorably as well - not because he is a bad coach, but because he is TT's guy. They claim he ran Favre out of town while sitting on his golden throne of cheese and then going swimming through the $20mill in salary cap money like Scrooge McDuck. Favre, they claim, wanted nothing more than to play for the Packers for the rest of his career. TT drove out a Wisconsin hero, and in doing so became it's worst villain. This through the eyes of the uncleansed.
In reality TT has made very solid pickups in Chuck Woodson(CHARLES FREAKING WOODSON!!!!), Ryan Pickett, Brandon Chillar and Ryan Grant. He does not sit on the money, he doesn't need to spend most of it because there is already a very good core of players and he doesn't need to go get anyone. Now, we'll have an uncapped offseason where teams will be spending like Michael Jackson at a fresh baby market and TT knows this. We are positioned for uncertainty in case a deal gets pushed off or something in that nature.
Moreso in reality is the fact that Favre wanted out of Green Bay after 2007 and the only way he could think to do that was retire - because he was too arrogant to ask for his release or a trade. He knew TT would not just outright release Favre after the amazing year he just had because it would be off with his head, so to speak. I think Favre wanted to play for the Queens the whole time and this season is a culmination of a 2+ year process that finally saw him land in Minnesota, home of the Meager. But enough of what I think, even though those who are in the know know that I am right.
The deeds are done and most have moved on, but this coming Sunday's game will be the final battle of the pro-TT and anti-TT movements. Aaron Rodgers must cement his place and finally beat Favre in front of the Lambeau's 70,000 man army. Rodgers, in the pre-game coin flip ceremony, will not shake hands with Favre but will instead show off his green #4 jersey that he is sporting - an obvious shot at Favre. Then Rodgers will rip it off Hulk Hogen-style and revealed will be the most glorious color of white your eyes could ever see, all trapped inside of the number Twelve. Favre, unable to look away, will immediately drop to his knees and weep like he did at his first retirement press conference. I will be laughing on my couch as I watch this unfold on Fox Television.
Packers 33
Queens 26
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