So as the coming months come I'll be celebrating my 21st birthday, going to Europe, and finally deciding what school to attend. My three options are pretty elite, the big three are UW Milwaukee, Concorida, or Marquette, any suggestions jot them down.
I believe my focus will be to become a special ed teacher and help out the phyically and mentally challenged children of public school systems. So I am faced with these all be monumental decisions in the course of the next 6 weeks. And to top it off I am in a beard off with a fellow co-worker and getting free parking and beer at a brewer game is a whole $20 to save.

So I am giving you a concept of what I look like now at day one, and the regulations of this contest is, first to shave is the loser otherwise the last day is March 20th so I don't look like a bum for my birthday. But I am sure my friend will concede to loss seeing as he growings facial hair like a chuck norris "cha cha" chia doll. So I will enjoy a free beer and parking in a matter of time.
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